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485 ❦ 1962杜瓦爾郡劫案 ❦

【自】 Lovely, 安柏莉‧布蘭默

I 'm here to give my replies on (>>3:-6),

1. I feel there's double standard in (>>2:151) , if all your protection to Alvin is role playing, and how can (>>2:151) not supposed to be role playing? The "come back" means "come back and make the announcement"

I am sorry that I didn't type the part of"make an announcement", but I still can feel the presuppositions from you, and that's not fair.

2.I think it's not the very good timing to talk about your "morality" is being questioned.

Because I should not to know the identity inside each PC at that time, also included your relationship (Or as you said, friendship)
So I supposed that, it's It's no concern of mine, and I also don't have the right to bug in the issue of "How do you treat your friends?"

3.All I "HAVE" to know at that time is, whether I had to take (>>1:116) as an official inform or not? And how I had to do?how long I had to wait?

You said he's not the person who will escape, and I wonder that why you knew that? Maybe this an RP? But in this village, the order should be reasoning>role playing, so I was quite confused about the situation at that time.

It's all my replies, if you don't want to reply here, you are invited to discuss with me one by one :)

Best regards,

I hope you get enough rest after leading the discussion, and I am still thank for your assistance on doing the reasoning part.
(0.2 CPUs)
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